
One of the things I love about the Critical Thinking and Composition courses I’m taking this term is that the majority of the information revolves around “EVERYTHING ON THE INTERNET IS NOT ALWAYS TRUE AND YOU SHOULD KNOW HOW TO DETERMINE THIS.” Can we just make EVERYONE who joins Facebook or TwiX take these courses?


I know the answer is no but I can dream.

Went and had hot pot for dinner with the husband and my two best friends last night for my birthday.

Today, my brother and his gf are coming over, we’re gonna play games and I’m cooking dinner.

Honestly, I couldn’t ask for a more wonderful post-birthday weekend. Here’s to my 47th year in existence being full of time with more loved ones and simple, cozy joy.

Taking VERY deep breaths today. I’m doing a group onboarding at work for multiple users in different offices. I’ve only done this a couple of times before, and I have a checklist to follow, but it’s still nerve-wracking. I need to get more practice with it, though, because I would really like to be able to do this MORE often. It makes things a lot less stressful.