Was going through the blogroll this morning and catching up on recent posts, and I came across this post from Rach Smith:

It’s okay to lower the bar

I had to remind myself that it’s okay to lower the bar. That an average version of something is better than a perfect version of nothing. All I can do is have a go.

Holy hell, does this ever resonate with me. There’s so many times that I just don’t have the energy to do a big ol fancy post with linkbacks and essay-like writing. But that’s not needed – all that’s needed is to post something. Anything. Just like right now.

I’m trying to get used to more smaller, shorter posts here, just posting what’s been going on in my day or the thoughts in my brain at that moment.

Gonna spend my evening researching how to do POSSE properly on my site. Would be nice to just post something here and then automagically have it pop up on Masto and other sites without me having to click things every time.