
What I am doing right now. This list will change as things are added and completed. 🙂

(updated 5/27/2024)


  • Adding an “ideas” page to this site
  • Finally getting Bridgy to work correctly


  • Studying to complete the CompTIA A+ Core 1 exam before June 22
  • Determining what classes I can reasonably handle next term (oh god here comes Applied Algebra)
  • Taking a break before classes start up July 1st


  • Working from home until my office’s remodel is complete
  • Reviewing the most recent intern onboarding day and making notes of how to improve next year
  • Working on HotDocs coding more in anticipation of upcoming projects
  • Finalizing the agenda for the last TrialPad training


  • Planning the trip to Atlanta for the ATEEZ concert in July
  • Planning the Topaz cupsleeve event for November
    • Determining what local charity the cupsleeve raffle will be donating to (The raffle fundraiser will be for House of Tulip, a nonprofit collective creating housing solutions for trans and gender-nonconforming people in Louisiana.)
    • Finding raffle items to purchase and/or requesting donations from shops
    • Creating freebie PC designs
    • Creating the cupsleeve design
    • Deciding whether to offer tiers for purchase with extra items
    • Deciding which vendors to have at the event


  • Uploading and editing pictures from recent events
  • Processing two rolls of film I shot at home
  • Learning more about my new Olympus’ camera settings
  • Getting a Pixelfed account and setting it up