Month: February 2024

Today I learned that a raid on Steve Jackson Games by the Secret Service was the impetus for creating the EFF (Electronic Frontier Foundation).


I just went in the bedroom to get something. Husbando is sleeping, Daisy and Mia are laying on my side of the bed all snugged up, so I go pet them. Daisy is yawning and stretching and generally doing her “I’m so cute” stuff…

…and then she burps. LOUD. Like a full on human sounding “BRRAAAAPPPPP.” It is the loudest burp I have EVER heard come out of this doggo.

Mia looks over at her like “wtf?” and I just slap my hand over my mouth because I now have a fit of the giggles.

One of the things I love about the Critical Thinking and Composition courses I’m taking this term is that the majority of the information revolves around “EVERYTHING ON THE INTERNET IS NOT ALWAYS TRUE AND YOU SHOULD KNOW HOW TO DETERMINE THIS.” Can we just make EVERYONE who joins Facebook or TwiX take these courses?


I know the answer is no but I can dream.