
Here we go with the itch to change the layout of the site again.

I’m really digging this WP-DOS theme, for some reason I really do like the very old school green or amber text on a black background look. I think I’d go with the amber text, it reminds me a lot of the computer lab at SLU back in 1995 or so, when it was nothing but text-based and I spent almost all of my time on Usenet and doing text chat with a friend I met from Canada.

I know WP has the Live Preview feature with the block themes, where you can tweak the layout and changes BEFORE making it live, which is GREAT – but I want to play with it more first and possibly save the changes I make, and I don’t think you can do that. I believe you have to change it in one go.

Maybe I’ll take some time this weekend to play with it and see what I can do.

Today’s plans: brunch with family for a birthday celebration, then back home to do schoolwork. I really want to knock out that last task for my Composition class today and get it submitted. Hopefully I can start my Fundamentals of Info Security course next week and knock that out before my friend C comes in town, or at least get most of it completed so I can take the week off of school while she is here.