• Listen to this – Stray Kids, “Chronosaurus”

    Seeing as yesterday was STAY Day, I think it’s time to celebrate with a good little playlist and one of my favorite meaningful songs, Chronosaurus.

    Chronosaurus was released March 25, 2019, as a song off of Stray Kids “MIROH” album. It wasn’t released as a full title track, but they did make a MV of the song. It’s basic, it’s simple, but it will suck you in.

    So first, let’s look at the full translated lyrics:

    I’ve run without a break but why
    It’s still dark around me why
    That time will solve everything
    Is just a fear for me?
    Time can’t solve this
    I’ll get caught if I just wait I should do something
    I don’t have other solutions
    Would time in this place be gold or beast?
    Would it be me or my dream that’s caught while playing tag?

    Day and night every day I
    Am afraid I think I’ll get caught

    I just dash out even if I get out of breath
    I run constantly
    Why does time run to me so fast?
    I just dash out even if I fall
    I keep running
    I can just run so time can’t even see me

    Woah, woah, woah, yeah, yeah
    Tick tock, tick tock, gettin’ closer
    Woah, woah, woah, yeah, yeah
    Tick tock, tick tock, run fast

    Watch out, watch out I should open my eyes
    Countdown, countdown, now what?
    I feel like I’m stuck in a sandglass
    Watch out, watch out I should open my eyes
    Countdown, countdown, now what?
    It’s just over if I stop

    I just dash out even if I get out of breath
    I run constantly
    Why does time run to me so fast?
    I just dash out even if I fall
    I keep running
    I can just run so time can’t even see me

    Ooh like a tunnel with no light
    Yeah ooh, there’s no end, I’m scared
    Ooh like a tunnel with no light
    Yeah ooh (Day and night)
    There’s no end, I’m scared
    Am afraid I think I’ll get caught

    I just dash out even if I get out of breath
    I run constantly
    Why does time run to me so fast?
    I just dash out even if I fall
    I keep running
    I can just run so time can’t even see me

    Woah woah woah yeah yeah
    Tick tock, tick tock, gettin’ closer
    Woah woah woah yeah yeah
    Tick tock, tick tock, run fast
    Woah woah woah yeah yeah
    Tick tock, tick tock, gettin’ closer
    Woah woah woah yeah yeah
    Tick tock, tick tock, run fast

    Translated lyrics from Genius English Translations

    ~deep breath~ Yeahhhhhhh. This is one of my absolute favorite songs of theirs. The first time I watched the video, I was reading the translation, and I couldn’t look away. I had to immediately re-watch the video to actually WATCH it.

    So according to this interview, Changbin said that the original name of the song was “Time Beast”, but they decided to go with Chronosaurus.

    Time changes everything.

    Time marches on.

    Much like if Time was a lumbering, elephantine-sized beast, rumbling through and breaking everything in its path. And if it catches up to you – you stop. Permanently. So you are constantly running through time, unable to stop or rest or breathe. All you can do is push yourself to stay ahead of it for as long as possible.

    The fear of time is REAL, no matter what your age. Young people fear getting old, old people fear that they don’t have enough of it. I know I look back on what I’ve done and the time I’ve had, and I wonder if it was enough. I wonder what time I have left in this plane of existence to make a positive effect on people, and I worry that I won’t have enough time with my loved ones, or to do the things I want.

    This song reminds me that I’m not the only one with these fears, and that I’m not alone in my struggle of running from time. So every time I listen to it, or the MV comes up in a YouTube playlist, I watch.

    Chronosaurus is one of those songs that resonates with me so much, that hearing it live would leave me in tears.

    “Day and night every day
    I am afraid I think I’ll get caught

  • On the Topic of Community

    Fair warning – this MAY be a bit of a ramble. Just follow along with me here, if you don’t mind. 🙂

    So for a few months now, I’ve been really focused on the idea of “community”.

    As I mentioned in the Discourse: Eliminating Toxicity post, I’ve been in fandoms of assorted kinds for all of my adult life. Gaming, LARPing, sci-fi, etc – but one of the things I’ve done that I am most proud of is working for assorted local conventions.

    There is something so very satisfying to me about being one of the organizers of an event that brings people together. Seeing everyone enjoying themselves, united in some kind of common love for something, truly brings joy to my heart. I stepped away from working for conventions back in 2018 for assorted personal reasons, but I haven’t stopped attending (except for when we were all forced to due to the pandemic).

    When I got into K-Pop in early 2022, I talked with my friend Marley about wanting more local events in New Orleans to bring more people together – and luckily, more events started happening here! Lots more cupsleeves, a couple of K-Pop nights at a local bar, Junction, and a few trading events. We even have K-Pop Club Night coming here in a few weeks (which I already bought my tickets for because I NEED to shake my booty).

    Over the past couple of months, I began wondering if I could be someone to bring the community together too.

    Community is important to humans. Not just in-person, either – I believe online communities and groups are just as viable and needed. We thrive when we are surrounded by people that love the same things we do. Whether that’s a general love for K-Pop overall, or love of a specific group or artist, we love being involved in those communities and knowing others love the things we do.

    Having said that – I see the bad things that can come out of a community as well. The chance for bullying, sasaengs, stalking. And of course, this is always fed by the media. How many of us still hide our love for K-Pop from people we know in real life, or in our professional lives, because there can be SUCH a negative connotation of it? Especially if you’re an older fan, like myself. A lot of people see K-Pop fans as immature, childish, petulant, stalkers, and online bullies. I will not lie – that can be the case. Since I’ve been making the rounds on Twitter and other social platforms, I see those stereotypes online daily.

    Does that make me want to STOP being part of this community?

    Absolutely not.

    Communities can do great things together. I believe that the positive K-Pop fans could very easily drown out or discredit the negative or problematic ones, if we all came together. I truly do believe that there are more uplifting, friendly, fun, meaningful fans in this community than there are the “bad” ones. I also believe that we can change the stereotype if we just come together.

    I have seen friendships be developed across the country, and across the globe.

    I have seen people coming together in joy and love at concerts and other events.

    I have seen fans pulling together to support other fans that they have never interacted with, fans reaching out to do community service, or support charities that mean a lot to the group or the artists – or even to drive positive change for the future. I believe this is within us all.

    I asked my Twitter and Instagram friends what they associate with the K-Pop community – good OR bad – and what this community means to them. I got some good – and thought-provoking – answers. (I edited the below comments for proofreading, spelling, or punctuation issues, but did not add or change words.)

    I’ve been a fan of Kpop for 14 years already, so it’s basically my whole youth, 2009 – 2NE1’s debut and I have been hooked since. So yes, when I think of kpop, the word youth, memories and safe haven comes to mind. Youth and Memories because I grew up with it as my main music in life. So many memories were made with a single genre of music. I made friends, met idols that I didn’t think was possible, developed my passion and confidence in performing and found my true passion in design and event production too. My youth was full of dreams that came true thanks to kpop. Safe Haven because I found ultimate comfort in artists I came to love. Yes, they are not perfect since they are still human beings, but their words and their music was enough to pick me up when I am sad, make me smile, and make me feel like someone can actually listen and understand me. But of course, Kpop isn’t perfect, the fandom culture of it is insane that I just can’t comprehend why idols are just not as free as they want to be, like they’re humans, relationships shouldn’t be a scandal, sasaengs also should not exist and the blatant disrespect these idols got like we don’t own them, we’re fans who choose to love them but we don’t control them at all. I really don’t like that aspect at all. – Neko

    Mutual screaming
    In my experience, acceptance

    Mob mentality
    Cancel culture
    Unsafe and unrealistic expectations
    – Sammie

    It means a lot, I’ve met some great people here and some lovely friends who will be friends forever 😘 there’s always downs with highs but we come together when it matters. The fact people from all races/backgrounds come together to share a love of music I think is amazing. – Frankie

    It’s family to me. I’ve made so many friends from liking the groups that I do, even met several in real life. Concerts & cupsleeves are exciting because we all get to be together. There’s always gonna be negativity somewhere, but I don’t engage with it & block when needed.
    – Dazzy

    Fun, Community Hive Mind, messy – Era

    I think of the friends I’ve made through k-pop, I think of the sheer beauty and artistry of it. And I also think about the fanwars which are sometimes kinda funny when they don’t take themselves too seriously.
    – SugarCookieNay

    I think of community as a place where I can find commonality, camaraderie, and unity. I’d like to think of it as a safe space, but that’s not often the case in the kpop community. While I acknowledge the fantastic friendships I’ve forged in this community, I also can’t ignore the struggles of being a POC kpop fan. – Teddy

    I want to be known as someone in this community that is uplifting, positive, supportive, and understanding. I want to be known as someone who boosts others up and shows them to be the best person they can be, whether that’s in the fandom or in their everyday life. So I am going to work on my end to bring this community together – both online and in real life. I want to organize and work with others to host events that bring people joy and happiness, even if it’s for a few hours. I want to inspire others to participate and have fun, and provide a safe space for ALL people, no matter what.

    I can’t do it alone, though. I need others to come with me on this journey of creating a better community for us all, everywhere.

    As ATEEZ says in “Intro: Long Journey”:

    “Will you join us?”

  • Discourse: Eliminating Toxicity

    Since I started becoming more involved with the K-Pop fandom in the past year – I’m noticing a major difference in how fans interact with the groups and each other, and I feel the need to talk about it.

    So, a little background on me, first off. I’m an older fan. To be more clear, I’m in my mid to late 40s. I’ve been involved in many fandoms and passions over the span of my life, from New Kids on the Block in the 80s, to LARPing in the 90s, the Marvel Cinematic Universe, LiveJournal, the Hiddleston/Cumberbatch days of Tumblr, and most recently K-Pop today. I’ve been in assorted local fan groups, ran a couple of them, and volunteered for many fan-run sci-fi and comic cons since I was in my 20s. This is not to brag about my experience, nor to say I am “better” than anyone else. This is simply to make those reading this understand that I have been involved in fan communities for a long time through my life. In other words, the K-Pop fandom is not my first rodeo, LOL.

    The singular thing I love about every fandom I have been involved in over the span of my life has been COMMUNITY. Finding the others around you who love the same things you do, and connecting through that common passion. Whether it’s locally by seeing someone wearing a t-shirt of your favorite band, meeting others at a panel at a convention, or finding message boards or social media groups online – those connections are the biggest thing I love about fandoms. Connection and community. I started volunteering and working for conventions because being a part of all those people coming together, embracing the things they love together, brings me so much joy. Humans have always been stronger together, fandoms even more so.

    Now, that’s not to say that those gatherings are perfect. We all know there are toxic, awful people involved in every type of group, and ESPECIALLY fan communities. This is nothing new. A lot of people complain about how being online has brought out the worst in people…and to a small degree, that’s true. We cannot place that ALL on being online, though. There have always been nasty and sometimes evil people in fannish communities. If you look at the history of fan-run conventions, there are some really ugly situations and people there. Whether that’s a worldwide convention, or a small local event…there’s always someone who has ulterior motives. Those ulterior motives can range from being hungry for power and validation, theft, or much worse. Some of the time, the group polices its own, and the perpetrator is removed from the group and punished. (Yes, I am painfully aware this is not always the case.)

    Online communities changed this dynamic, of course. A lot of time it’s for the better – even more fans coming together, new fans coming into the fold and supporting their faves, the collective excitement and joy when something new comes out, talking, meeting, and making friends all over the world. I’ve made some lifetime friends online, and have visited so many places to see them. An online fandom community is just as valid as a personal meetup in your town, and COVID cemented that in place even more. However, with more people in a group, the chances of having more of the problematic people – the predators, the narcissists, the drama bombs – increases. It’s also easier to hide that behavior through a screen. Add in the penchant for people to be more bold and flat-out rude online…and here we stand today.

    Up until now, I’ve been content with just supporting my favorite K-Pop groups however I could – buying albums, listening to music on Spotify, squeeing about them online with friends. I decided to go a little farther into the fandom with the ATEEZ comeback, and dip my toes into the world of streaming through Korean music sites and online voting to help the group win music shows and chart higher. There are many groups and people who mobilize all around the world to do this when a group releases a comeback album. You may have seen multiple tweets or posts about getting a group to chart on Bugs, Genie, or Melon; or to push voting to get a group to win on one of the assorted music shows in South Korea, such as Inkigayo, The Show, or Music Bank. Streaming on Korean music services can also help affect wins on the shows, and most definitely affect charting, not only in Korea but worldwide. YouTube and Spotify streams in the US count towards Billboard charts, along with album sales.

    I signed up to be part of a group to stream on Bugs, a popular South Korean music site. I figured it would be fun to be part of this – and it was! The night the comeback dropped, I stayed up until midnight and got to see the video when it came out, and set up my Bugs streaming playlist and other things. So many people all over the world were online, excited and happy to see the video for Bouncy and start working together to make this comeback the best one for ATEEZ yet! It was great! The group I was with mostly communicated via group chat, and there was a good variance of newbies to streaming like me, along with others who’ve done this more than a few times.

    However, not even 48 hours after streaming started, I started seeing things popping up on Twitter that made me nervous. Some fans were spamming others, yelling at them about how they weren’t doing enough, fussing that people needed to buy more physical copies of the album, berating people who weren’t speaking out publicly about voting and running the apps. I saw more than a few tweets on my For You page (which, honestly, is the WORST) of some fans just laying into others with both barrels of hatred and anger, accusing them of not being a “real fan”, and spamming some of the larger accounts with comment after comment of how they weren’t doing the best for the group and if they weren’t going to post about voting and streaming, to just shut down or stay quiet.

    It even affected me. I started wondering if I was doing enough, wondering if I needed to do more, buy more, pay more. Of course, I turned to the group I was in, asking them about what they thought, and they all agreed that behavior was totally uncalled for and not what the majority of fans, streamers, and voters believed. The fact that other new streamers were feeling the same way made me feel a little better, so I just kept doing what I was doing, determined to enjoy the new music and the content that was coming out.

    As time went on, though, those voices became louder and more prominent. I saw tweets of friends who felt like they weren’t doing enough, that the joy was gone, that this was a slog and they just didn’t even want to log on to Twitter anymore because of the nasty tweets that people were posting. I heard that some older fans, those who have been with ATEEZ since their pre-debut days, were being run off of socials because they were being harassed by these toxic individuals. I even had a few people who I followed, who I thought were pretty cool and chill, jump on to the spamming bandwagon.

    And then when the same people started flinging accusations that ALL Ktinys – Korean ATINYs – weren’t doing anything to benefit the group, that they were all just selfish and only in it for the freebies so they could turn around and sell them to international fans? Yeah, I don’t play with that. I’m sure that there are some “fans” who are like that, of course – yet another kind of toxic fan – but ALL Korean fans? I don’t believe that for a second. And to say that all non-Korean ATINY never did those sorts of things? Patently untrue.

    It’s over two weeks now since the new album dropped, and ATEEZ has wrapped up their primary comeback activities, but the majority of fun and excitement I felt at the beginning of the release is no longer there. Instead, I find myself actively avoiding the ATINY side of Twitter, simply because I don’t feel like seeing infighting, drama, accusations, or people going inactive because they’ve been run off by what is essentially a HANDFUL of loud, obnoxious, and toxic fans.

    And to be blunt – I’m fucking sick of it.

    As I stated above, this is not my first fandom rodeo. I was a very heavy LiveJournal user, I moved to Tumblr when I really sank my teeth into the Loki/Hiddleston fandom, and I’ve been on Twitter since 2007 as an active user. So when I say I am TIRED of what is a small group of obnoxious fans ruining these communities that people have built up for ages, simply by being LOUD…I’m dead-ass serious. Good people, friendly people, people who want to bring others together – they are being run off in droves by what is essentially toddlers having temper tantrums and bullying others.

    And the kicker is – there’s ALWAYS more of us than there are of them. Good fans, caring fans, fans who are in it for the long haul and support not only our groups and favorites BUT each other? We could become more organized. We could shut them down. We could shut them out. We could point the fingers, name and shame, show the world that we are BETTER than these individuals. We could show the world that we are together in solidarity to stop behavior like this. It’s just a matter of organizing and sticking up for each other when the awful ones start shouting.

    We’ve all heard it from others, about how “K-Pop fans are crazy”. We’ve heard people talk about us, saying how we’re a toxic group, how all we do is fight and bully and shame others who aren’t into the groups we’re into. We’ve heard how we’re delusional, how we all have major issues with parasocial relationships, how K-Pop is our entire personalities and we’re all unhealthy nerds who just hole up in our rooms.

    First off…how dare I call myself out like this. (OK, sorry, I had to make that joke.)

    Sure, a lot of us may be those things. But a LOT of us – more than people know – are adults, with full time jobs, relationships, lives. A lot of us are fighting personal battles day in and day out and the little joys that we get from this music gets us through our days. A lot of us are creative powerhouses, creating AMAZING art, comics, stories, full-on novels. A lot of us are community organizers, bringing people together in love of one common thing, supporting people all over the world that we’ve never met in real life, helping and loving one another, doing good things, all united because we like that one thing, one group, one character.

    I see the positive side of fandom. That community, that strength, that LOVE – it’s all there, in droves.

    I say we don’t let the negatives define us. Let’s work on getting rid of those negative stereotypes defined by a small group of people who want nothing more than attention. Let’s focus on building those communities and growing for good together. Let’s focus on lifting one another up, instead of breaking people down. And most important – let’s pull together to DRIVE THESE TOXIC FANS OUT.

  • Listen to this – Red Velvet, “피카부 (Peek-A-Boo)”

    I’ll freely admit, I’m not as into K-Pop girl groups as I am boy groups. That’s not to say that girl groups are any different, I just haven’t connected or done deep dives into many of them as I have boy groups. I fully intend on resolving that with this blog, though! I have plans to do some discography dives into some groups that I have liked so far.

    One of those groups that I plan on digging into is Red Velvet, a girl group that has been around since 2014. So I have a LOT to catch up on, which is awesome. The biggest reason that I was drawn to this group is the MV for their title track from Perfect Velvet, “피카부 (Peek-A-Boo)”. Give it a watch below:

    First off, I’m gonna squee a bit.


    Ahem. Anyway.

    My friend M was the one who turned me on to this video (along with a lot of others, lol, she’s the real MVP). And how could I not love it? It’s so creepy and weird, but also funny and bad-ass.

    I mean, the premise is that the girls are killers, who take out delivery boys by seducing them into their house. They put them through odd ritualistic behavior and force them to do weird things, like eat green jello mold while blindfolded and having their hands tied behind their back, and this guy is just like HAHA SURE YEAH CUTE GIRLS, WHAT, ARE THEY GONNA HURT ME?

    The answer is YES, DUDE. Because they’ve been practicing with things like crossbows, throwing axes, and straight razors.

    The group chases the guy down with assorted weapons, which he thinks is all fun until he realizes that they have weapons and he’s going to die. At one point, he thinks that one of the girls is letting him go, or running away with him. I think it’s the latter, because he finds out very quickly that he is most certainly not safe once he gets out.


    Mmm, yeah

    Oh, gosh so crazy (Oh, gosh)
    Yeah, I’m an emotional girl
    I fall in love so easily (I fall in love so easily)
    Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
    I like new things, they sparkle
    Everyone’s like that, right?

    Peek-a-boo, it’s love only when my heart flutters
    (La, la, la, la, la)
    All my friends yell at me
    They say I have a problem
    I’m fine, fine, fine, fine, fine, fine

    Peek-peek-a-peek-a-boo (Ow)
    A fox who wants to have fun, that’s me

    I said one, two, three, play the game again
    Let’s press the button, hurry like “Kung Fu”
    Don’t be surprised even if I change my mind
    Aren’t you attracted to me? Then excuse me
    Call me, let’s go play all night
    Restart a game!
    Go forward, roll it, Blanka!

    Tonight (Let’s go)
    The playground is popping
    No time to be bored
    Yeah, yeah, yeah
    Go round and round (Ooh)
    Everyone is the same
    Then we locked eyes

    Peek-a-boo, this is new, is this love?
    La, la, la, la, la
    All my friends yell at me
    They say I have a problem
    I’m fine, fine, fine, fine, fine, fine

    (My boo, boo, boo, peek-a-boo, boo, boo, boo)

    Tag, you’re it!
    It’ll be fun, I’ll include you here
    Till the moon hangs on the jungle gym
    Let’s play, yeah

    Peek-a-boo, it’s strange, you’re different
    I stop this game and I look at you again
    I’m not afraid, because I just felt
    That a new story will begin
    (Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah)

    Peek-peek-a-peek-a-boo (Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah)
    Peek-peek-a-peek-a-boo (La, la, la, la, la)
    A fox who wants to have fun, that’s me
    La, la, peek-a-boo (No, no, no)

    Tag, you’re it!
    It’ll be fun, I’ll include you here (Yeah, yeah, yeah)
    Till the moon hangs on the jungle gym
    Let’s play (Na, na, na, na, ooh)
    Tag, you’re it! (A peek-a-boo, boo, boo)
    It’ll be fun, I’ll include you here (A peek-a-boo, boo, boo)
    Till the moon hangs on the jungle gym (A peek-a-boo, boo, boo)
    Let’s play a little more (Yeah, yeah)

    Lyric translation from Genius English Translations

  • Listen to this – Agust D, “Agust D”

    CONTENT WARNING: This post mentions themes of depression, anxiety, suicidal thoughts, and other mental health issues through the lyrics in this album and past experiences by the artist. Please take note of this before reading. Take care of yourself.

    So as most of you know, Agust D’s latest album, D-DAY, was released a few weeks ago. It’s an EXCELLENT album, of course – Min Yoongi’s writing and lyric delivery is absolutely astounding – but that’s not the one I’m talking about today.

    I’m going back to his first release in the Agust D Trilogy, the self-titled mixtape “Agust D.”

    I only really got into K-Pop back in spring of 2022, with BTS being the group that I jumped into the pool with. So there is a LOT of older stuff that I’m not as familiar with. I only heard Yoongi’s debut mixtape this year, right before D-DAY came out, even though it’s been out since August 16, 2016.

    And this mixtape? I am sorry I didn’t hear it sooner, because it’s SO DAMN GOOD.

    I am an absolute sucker for a confident rapper who spits lyrics like a nailgun into a mic (look at all my biases, can’t you tell lol) – and Yoongi does just that. Each word, is targeted precisely, flowing perfectly. But the biggest reason I love this album is because of the raw, unbridled rage and feeling. The intense rage at the unfairness of it all, his upbringing and fight to get his music out there, and anger at those who didn’t support him – or worse yet, tried to drag him down – is very evident in some of the lyrics, such as the title track “Give It To Me” –

    Even my family couldn’t foresee my success
    What’s the point of talking about it when I wasn’t sure myself
    Even my family approved me as a tough cookie
    I’m the public enemy, the hyungs
    Who benefited by slandering us
    Every one of them had the taste of money
    They say two things with one mouth
    And head to the big companies
    What you know about me?
    You can’t control my shit
    If you’re going to leave
    Take back whatever you’ve said before
    If you ask me how I’ve succeeded
    I don’t really have an answer
    But at least, I slept less and stayed active
    Compared to you all to grow up

    One of the hardest songs to listen to, lyrically, but my absolute favorite, is the 7th track on the mixtape, “The Last”.

    Yoongi has always been forthcoming with his mental health issues, including depression and social anxiety. This song in particular is a raw and open wound, his lyrics bleeding past experiences of the lowest points in his life. Including suicidal ideation and self-harm, sort of a taboo topic in South Korea. (I feel like from what I have read, they have gotten better in being more open about mental health over the seven years since this album’s release, but people still struggle with being as open about it as we are in the West.)

    The end of the song, though, is Agust D is practically screaming into the mic, triumphant. The declaration that through it all, he dragged himself through, standing on stage, able to do what he loves in front of thousands.

    On the other side of the famous idol rapper
    Stands my weak self, it’s a bit dangerous
    Depression, OCD
    They keep coming back again from time to time
    Hell no perhaps that might be my true self
    Damn huh feeling estranged in reality
    The conflict with ideal, my head hurts
    Around the age of 18, I developed social anxiety
    Right, that was when my mind was gradually polluted

    At times I’m scared of myself too
    Thanks to the depression that takes over me
    And all my self hatred
    Min Yoongi is dead already (I killed him)
    Comparing my dead passion with others
    It’s now a part of my daily life

    On the first visit to psychiatric ward
    My parents came up with me
    We listened to the consultation together
    My parents said they don’t truly understand me
    I don’t understand myself well either
    Then who would understand?
    Friends? Or you? Nobody knows me well

    The doctor asks me if I’ve (censored)
    I answered without any hesitation that I have

    Habitual saying uh
    I don’t give a shit I don’t give a fuck
    All those words uh
    Those words are said to hide my weak self
    Those days I wish I could erase
    Right, that performance day
    Which I don’t remember very well
    The day I confronted myself
    When I hid inside the bathroom
    Because I was scared of people

    That time I, that time I
    I thought success would make everything fine
    But you see, but you see
    As time goes by, I feel like I’m turning into a monster

    I’ve exchanged my youth for success
    And that monster demands for more wealth
    At times it puts a collar on my neck
    To ruin and swallow me with greed
    Some try to shut my mouth and say
    I should swallow this forbidden fruit
    I don’t want it
    They want me to leave this garden

    Shit shit I got it so stop it
    I’m the root of all this so I’ll stop myself
    If my misfortune is your happiness
    I’ll happily stay unfortunate
    If I’m the figure of hate
    I’ll get on the guillotine

    The things I’ve only imagined turns into reality
    My childhood dreams are in front of my eyes
    The night when I performed in front of an audience of 2
    Now Tokyo Dome is right in front my nose
    My one and only life
    I can easily live it passionately than any other
    My fan my hommie my fam
    I hope you don’t worry
    Because I’m really okay now damn

    I’ve denied my nature many times
    My address is idol and I won’t deny
    The anguish that dug into my mind countless times
    There’s no answer at the end of wandering

    My pride which I thought I had given away
    Has turned into self-respect
    My fans, keep your head high with pride
    Because who can do it like me uh

    Seiko, Rolex, AX hall and gymnastic stadium
    The heads of thousands nodding to my hand gesture
    Show me the money
    It’s not that I couldn’t but I didn’t shit

    Selling ourselves or not
    You all say we couldn’t do it but we didn’t shit
    The root of my creativity has tasted
    The sweet, bitter, and shit of this world
    Those days when I tried to sleep on the toilet floor
    It’s all memories now uh they’re now memories
    My shoulder which shattered
    Thanks to the accident I met
    During my part time job
    The debut which I clung as if it was my life
    Who do you think you’re fooling
    By pretending you’ve gone through all the miseries

    Seiko, Rolex, AX hall and gymnastic stadium
    The heads of thousands nodding to my hand gesture
    Sorrow created me uh look at me closely uh
    Selling ourselves or not you all say
    It’s not that we couldn’t do it
    But that we didn’t want to, shit

    Lyric translations from Genius English Translations

    With this album, Min Yoongi, at 23 years old, was lifting two middle fingers up to the world, telling it “FUCK YOU, YOU’RE NOT GOING TO BREAK ME, I AM RIGHT FUCKING HERE AND I AIN’T LEAVING.”

    Some days, I miss that rawness and rage that I felt in my early 20s. The fury at having to scrabble and struggle, at dragging yourself into a shitty society right out of your high school and college years, the anger at the world because everyone is telling you that you’re destined for failure. I joke around today that I love existing out of spite, but there was a point in my late teens and early 20s that I WAS existing out of spite. I hated myself, I hated almost everything, but there was no way in hell I was going to let the world trample me and win.

    Now that I’m in my 40s, that anger has subsided somewhat, because I’ve had realizations about myself and of course, my life has changed…but that anger is still there, deep down in my primal mind. Every so often I hear or see something that sparks that fire and reminds me that it’s still good to fight and stand up for myself – and in turn, others who are still pulling themselves through the mire of society.

    Watch the MVs for the title tracks “Agust D” and “Give It To Me” below.

  • Listen to this – Stray Kids, “미친 놈 (Ex)”

    We’ve all had those moments where the first time you heard a song, you stopped what you were doing and focused on it immediately. Something – the emotion behind it, the lyrics, anything – brought your entire world to a standstill and forced you to focus on what was playing.

    Stray Kids’ song “미친 놈 (Ex)” was one of those songs for me. Even though it is definitely NOT the first Stray Kids song I heard, nor the first MV of theirs I watched (those honors go to “God’s Menu” and “Freeze”, respectfully), it’s one of my favorite songs of theirs, and one that elicits the same feeling I had when I heard it and watched it for the first time.

    “미친 놈 (Ex)” is the fifth song on Stray Kids’ repackage album IN LIFE, released on September 14, 2020. The lyrics tell the story of someone who didn’t really appreciate their significant other when they were together, but once the relationship ends, they’re pining for the other person, begging them to come back and forgive them, and wondering why they ever acted out in the first place.

    The MV cements the thread of loss and regret in the lyrics. Give it a watch below, if you haven’t seen it already.


    Anyway. Ahem. Back to my thoughts.

    The group are all shown as sheet-covered ghosts at first glimpse, panning through a large house cluttered with assorted things. As they begin to sing, though, you can see their faces and their emotions as they go through what they’re feeling. They’re ghosts in life, not dead, obviously, hence the childlike sheet-covered appearance, but unable to move on past the regret of their previous actions. They’re struggling, lamenting their loss with the lyrics.

    Felix is laying on the floor, letting a toy train run into him.
    Seungmin is sitting in front of a fire playing on a television, wanting some sort of warmth, but never getting it because the flame isn’t really there.
    Hyunjin is building towers with erasers that keep falling apart, finding it difficult to bring himself back up again.
    Changbin is isolated in a stairwell, surrounded by photos of memories, choosing to stay in the past rather than move to the next floor.
    Lee Know is desperately drinking water, trying to take care of himself, but ultimately failing and giving it to the flowers instead.
    I.N is attempting to celebrate a party, surrounded by fluffy cakes and candies, but can’t taste anything. Nothing is sweet anymore.
    Han is trying to put on a brave face amidst the mess, attempting to be silly and happy, but unable to hold that facade and letting himself mourn.
    Chan is stuck in a dark bathroom, looking at himself in the mirror, finding it difficult to see the person he truly is, and trying not to drown in his emotions.

    The climax of the song happens as Chan shoves his head in a sink full of water, trying to hold his breath, but ultimately screaming his rage and sadness into the water, finally letting everything go. Changbin smears a handful of brilliant blue paint on a window, turning away from the photos.

    As sad as the song is, even at the end, the MV shows a little bit of hope at the end, after they all hit rock bottom. After that, the group are all seen going outside, running in the sunlight and jumping around, laughing and enjoying life, eventually moving farther away from the house, no longer ghosts trapped, but moving on. Were they forgiven, either by themselves or the other person? It’s unclear. Either way, they came together, finally, rather than seeming isolated and ignorant of the other people around them, ending the video as if they woke up in the light, seeing the day for the first time.

    Every time I watch this video, I leave it with a deep feeling of hopeful melancholy. That even though we messed up with doing certain things or treating others poorly in our lives, it is possible to realize your mistakes and move on by forgiving yourself. It better to step into the light with others and accept yourself for who you are, faults and all, instead of forcing yourself to relive pain and isolating away from others.

    I feel that the lyrics can also be something that resonate with a lot of people. We’ve all hurt someone in our lives, and there are times when we realize we ARE the bad person and beg for their forgiveness. We all have had those moments when we are like “Oh, I messed up. Shit.” And you know what? That’s okay. We’re not perfect. We make mistakes. Asking forgiveness of ourselves is just as important, if not more so, than asking forgiveness from the other person.

    Anyway, enough Sad Girl Time. What do you think of “미친 놈 (Ex)”? Is it a favorite song of yours? What’s your take on the lyrics and MV? Feel free to drop me a comment below and give me your ideas. I love hearing others’ takes on songs and videos! You can read the translated lyrics below.

    My words on that particularly cold day
    My yawns were particularly many on that day
    Being busy became my excuse on more than just a day or two
    In the end it became obvious my feelings for you were gone
    I left you with just the words I'm sorry
    Writing out our sad ending with trembling hands
    After I sent you away I was left in pain
    It was all my fault, so why am I hurting?
    I didn't even thank you in the end
    Just left behind sharp words in a trembling voice
    Even if I act like everything is fine, I can't lie
    About this longing making me regret it all
    I search for you in our broken memories
    Even when I grasp one all I remember is your tears, oh
    I must have really lost my mind, I'm not sure
    If I can take all this time without you, in the end you're all I had
    I really had lost my mind
    I guess I really didn't realize, it's so hard to breathe
    When I'm not with you, what did I have so much faith in to do that?
    I had really lost it that day
    You can curse me out (Curse me out all, all, all you want)
    Ooh-woah, oh, oh, oh, yeah
    Ooh-woah, oh, oh, oh, yeah
    You can curse me out (Curse me out as, as, as much as you like)
    Do it until your hatred for me turns into anger
    As long as you can let it all out and we can go back to how we were
    We said everything we wanted to say
    And wrote it off as not being right for each other
    It was actually my fault for letting my eyes
    Be drawn by someone else even while still seeing you, ayy
    When you asked me if something was wrong
    I just shook my head side to side
    I told you to just not worry about it
    But now I'm worrying more about how I said that, why is that?
    I search for your in our broken memories
    Even when I grasp one all I remember is your tears
    I must have really lost my mind, I'm not sure
    If I can take all this time without you, in the end you're all I had
    I really had lost my mind
    I guess I really didn't realize, it's so hard to breathe
    When I'm not with you, what did I have so much faith in to do that?
    I had really lost it that day
    I didn't know my place, and I let you go
    I hate myself for regretting it this much
    I can't control it, I miss you, yeah
    You've grown so distant from me I can't reach you
    But now live in the pain of not being able to forget you, ayy
    I must have really lost my mind, I'm not sure
    If I can take all this time without you, in the end you're all I had
    I really had lost my mind
    I guess I really didn't realize, it's so hard to breathe
    (I guess I really didn't realize, it's so hard to breathe, this moment)
    When I'm not with you, what did I have so much faith in to do that?
    I had really lost it that day
    You can curse me out (Curse me out all, all, all you want)
    Ooh-woah, oh, oh, oh, yeah
    Ooh-woah, oh, oh, oh, yeah
    You can curse me out (Curse me out as, as, as much as you like)
    Do it until your hatred for me turns into anger
    As long as you can let it all out and we can go back to how we were
    Translated lyrics from Genius English Translations

  • if this can no longer resonate


    I can’t tell you how much I heard that word back in high school.

    Keep in mind this was the early/mid 90s so gatekeeping regarding music was insane. If you couldn’t name the deepest B-sides of a band’s catalog, you were instantly branded a poser and relegated to the depths. Or if you said that you liked music videos, you earned a sneer and some derisive rant about how MTV is killing the music industry.

    I can’t tell you how many times I had that word thrown at me as a teenager. I’ll never forget one time that two “friends” of mine – who I legitimately thought were good friends – decided to make up some band and rave to me about it. I was actually interested to hear more, and when they dropped me off at home, told me they just made it up, and said that I was just a poser who went along with fads because others told me to. They sat in front of my house laughing while I went inside and fucking cried because I legitimately thought I was connecting with these two people I thought were cooler than cool.

    To this day, when I get into something, I constantly feel like I have to prove that I really enjoy that thing to others. “LOOK, I REALLY DO LIKE THIS THING, I HAVE DONE SO MUCH RESEARCH AND LISTENED TO SO MUCH STUFF.” I think it’s one of the reasons I tend to hyperfixate on things when I first get into them, so much so where it can seem like an obsession. Then it just kind of fades into the background over time.

    I see people who write and make music and draw and paint and sculpt and take pictures and I just want to be one of them SO BAD. But any time I start getting into something, I’m reminded – somehow, some way – that this is probably not the spot for me. I have this constant sensation of “you’re just a poser sitting on the windowsill looking in”. This is how I feel when I write or do photography. I enjoy doing them, but I’m always so scared to show it to the world because I’m just waiting on that one person to come along and tell me, “YOU DON’T BELONG HERE.”


  • this ain’t about regret

    It’s been a couple of days since I posted. I was trying to journal every day but I got sidetracked. For assorted reasons. Last night I had every intention to, but I ended up taking off my nail polish and that turned into A Thing that took like two hours (I had to soak dip polish off my fingernails, and that takes FOREVER). Now my fingers look all bare and stubby, and I discovered that my right big toenail is all bruised. I guess I dropped something on it at some point, but I don’t remember doing that? It hasn’t hurt or anything and it doesn’t feel any different, it just looks funky. I’ll probably let it be for like a week or so, or until I get tired of looking at this gnarly toe and decide to paint it.

    I’ve actually been feeling pretty positive over the past couple of days. I worked from home on Friday, paid bills and had enough money left over to get some clothes. I really need to go shopping today and get a few clothes for work – I have jeans and such but I’d really like some work pants and a few more blouses. As much as I like wearing dresses – and I REALLY like wearing dresses – there are some days during the summer that I’m like NO I DON’T WANNA SHAVE so I end up in jeans, which are even more hot and stifling. Also, the jeans I have are just a smidge too tight, so the entire day I end up feeling really uncomfortable about my body, which always makes that day not so great.

    Anyway! Positive, yeah. One thing that I’ve been really looking forward to – and it’s coming up closer – is my trip to Atlanta to see Stray Kids live. A couple of coworkers and I are heading up on Saturday morning, spending the day on Sunday checking out a few places and then going to the concert, and then heading back here Monday morning. Since it’s over a long weekend, we didn’t have to worry about taking PTO and requesting off, which is nice! I’ve been really obsessed with listening to them over the past couple of months, which is hilarious because I thought I was going to lean hard into BTS after watching the concert in Vegas, but I ended up asking for recommendations on more stuff like Daechwita (from Suga/Agust D’s solo record), heard SKZ, and was pretty much like WELP THIS IS ME NOW I GUESS. I still leaned hard into BTS, but Stray Kids a LOT more. I’m pretty sure my husband is sick and tired of hearing K-pop blaring from YouTube and my phone speakers. LOL.

  • X-Pro Adventures: City Park 2004

    These are the second part of the cross-processed slide film I took on my day out back in 2004.

    The City Park Peristyle has always been one of my favorite places to go in while there. It’s also one of the most frequented places on weekends due to its popularity for weddings, photo shoots, etc. It overlooks Bayou Metairie and is the perfect place to sit in the shade on stiflingly sunny days.

    One weekday evening, YEARS ago (probably 1998-99 or so?), my roommate and I wanted to get out of the apartment that night but we didn’t have the money to go out to dinner or to a bar. So we picked up some cheese, olives, deli meats, a baguette, and a bottle of cheap “wine” (probably some kind of Boone’s Farm), and went to the Peristyle. It was dark except for the moon and the streetlights from across the bayou. We sat out there for hours. Cost us less than $20 all together, we had sandwiches for lunch the next day, and it pretty much cemented my love for nighttime picnics.

    Most recently, my friend Allison and I picked up some Japanese sandos from a popup and spent almost an entire afternoon sitting out there, trying different sandwiches, and just talking about stuff.

    Anyway, back to photography…

    I’d really like to get my hands on a couple more rolls of slide film and do some more cross-processing, although I’d have to check with my local lab to see if they handle slide film anymore. I really like color shifts and looking back on these always gives me a sense of pride. Maybe next time I’ll get pictures of people. That’s actually something I really need to work on – I take SO many pictures of foliage and flowers and buildings, but I am so hesitant to turn the camera on people, especially strangers.

  • my head hurts.

    Ugh, been feeling just like general “bleh” this week.  Not sick or anything, but just mehhhhhh.  My sinuses have been acting weird (not congested, but achy?), I have a constant headache, and I just have no energy.  There’s a lot of reasons that explain all of these (and no, it’s not COVID), but I hate it.  I hate not having energy or focus.  And I know it gets more difficult as I get older.

    The past couple of months, I’ve been fighting a lot of frustration with my body and how I’m feeling.  Went on vacation, then got COVID and was laid up in bed for about a week, then had to roll right back into work and deal with a lot of deadlines and timelines all in two weeks, then having to finally do home stuff on weekends…I don’t know.  It’s a lot, and yeah, I know I’m whining.  But through all this, the most frustrating thing is finally coming to the realization that my body does not “bounce back” or come back from exhaustion nearly as well as I used to in my 20s.  And it is PISSING.  ME.  OFF.

    A lot of frustration comes from the fact that I COULDN’T enjoy these things in my 20s.  Having a good job that allowed me to take vacations?  Going out with friends to try new food and see new places?  Having weekends off and a nice place to live?  I didn’t have that in my 20s. I lived hand-to-mouth, barely able to afford groceries.  I worked retail jobs where I was forced to go into work with strep throat and stomach flu.  I couldn’t take the time off for vacations, much less afford them.  My schedule and bank accounts wouldn’t allow me to go out with friends.  And now that I can enjoy all these things, I’m too damn tired to?  It’s extremely frustrating, and feels more than a little unfair.

    Again, I know I’m whining.  I know there are people out there that have it worse than me, and I hate that for them.  It’s unfair to them too.  But this is how I’ve been feeling lately and I really, really dislike it.

    And I just want this headache to go away.

    I don’t want to leave this on a bad note, or a cranky/grumpy/whiny one.  So I will say that I am grateful for the things I have now.  And I am grateful that I get to do them at all.

Karen Avatar

Hello, I’m Karen!

I’m a Gen X eldergeek, currently working in IT and going for my degree in cybersecurity. I’m passionate about photography, vintage inspired fashion, K-Pop, gaming, sci-fi cons, my two doggos, and lots of other assorted oddities. I’m a proud bi liberal feminist, I support LGBTQIA+ rights, believe that Black Lives Matter, and am a firm believer in mental health support. BE NICE OR LEAVE.

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